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    Sat Aug 18

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Handicapping Made Easy

About HorseWin

William White

I first went to the races when I was 26 years old and that single visit sparked a lifelong passion for thoroughbred horse racing. Immediately, I started my quest for greater knowledge of the sport. Within a short time I was involved in race horse ownership and breeding. This "inside" the industry experience and keen application of horse race handicapping approaches culminated in Horsewin Selection Reports.

The Horsewin advantage is race winners at higher prices which provides the needed edge to players who seek profits by playing the races.

"The sport of horse racing was always a hobby and past time as I devoted my full time efforts to a successful career in Public Administration.

Through Horsewin I want to share my knowledge and skill to increase the enjoyment and potential profits for experienced and beginner horse racing fans alike. In some ways, while the premise of a horse race appears simple, the factors that go into determining the outcome of a race are very complex. My goal is to try to make that decision easier so more attention can be given to betting strategy and winning bets. In my view, profitable days at the races generate loyalty to the sport."